
For over 30 years on 10,000+ projects, we’ve helped contractors brace distribution systems against wind, seismic, sway and thrust. With our in house engineering, and fully equipped VDC team, we are prepared to help whatever the application.

Learn More About ASCEquipment

What We’ve Learned.

Siphonic systems are growing in popularity in the United States. ASPE code references require sway and thrust restraint for siphonic systems, yet each system has varying velocities and necessary restraints aren’t always clearly specified.

Construction drawings are often vague or expensive overkill where siphonic restraints are detailed because nobody has taken the time to determine exactly what’s needed, and where.

We’re here to partner with contractors to determine exactly what’s needed, and where, to ensure the job is done appropriately and as quickly as possible.


Example Projects:

-Ford Blue Oval City



-Dollar General

-Hankook Tire


ASCEquipment worked with the ASPE Board to review and update ASPE/ANSI 45-2018 for siphonic bracing standards.

Approved by Industry Leading Siphonic Manufacturer’s:

-MiFab Hydromax

-UV Systems